Monday, February 2, 2015


Pulling our worries back out of God’s hands is an indication of weak faith. James 1:6 says we must ask God without doubting, for when we doubt we not only are like a wind-tossed wave, we are double-minded. Faith requires single-mindedness.


Back in the early 1950s when I attended Frederic High School, we students enjoyed an assembly program I’ll never forget. One of the world’s best yo-yo artists demonstrated his amazing talent for us. He represented the Duncan Yo-Yo Company of Luck, Wis. There was nothing he couldn’t do with a yo-yo. He could flip it, draw it out, and make it dance. Without fail, the yo-yo came back to him—as long as he held onto the string.

We might find a spiritual lesson about the yo-yo that has to do with prayer. Sometimes when we give our worries to God, we take them right back, just like drawing the yo-yo back with its string. The same applies with fear. And anger. If we’re upset with someone and ask God to remove our anger, we’re likely to take it right back. Especially if we’re tired, lonely, or vulnerable in some other way.

Worry, fear, and anger may not be the only yo-yos in our lives. We may hold onto a grudge or vindictive thoughts against someone. We may be proud, or jealous, or …. Whatever we know is wrong yet are unwilling to give up.

Someone said a good way to pray is to hold our hands open with palms up, signifying release of our worries and concerns to God once and for all. Such a gesture shows we’re giving up our yo-yos, humbly trusting that God will accept them. God wants us to live in joy and peace, not in the shackles of our negative, life-robbing feelings.

Faith is a gift from God. In order to walk in that gift, we must be willing to step out and receive it with an open hand. It means not having so much as a finger tied to the string of our yo-yos.  

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.” (Proverbs 3:5-6)

Lord, thank You for the gift of faith. Give us the strength to keep from taking back our worries and concerns. We trust in Your perfect way of dealing with them. In Jesus’ name, amen.


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