Monday, January 31, 2011


Every day they come to my back yard, sometimes one alone, other times two, three, as many as seven, eight, even 10. They meander, jog, gallop, shove, push, stomp, fight their way to the corn I scatter. They’re always expectant of a few mouthfuls. Some of the does already have full bellies. They’re bulging with babies.

If you’re a writer as I am, you too are bulging with babies—your stories that are growing in your mind. You’re expecting great things from those babies. Perfect plots, dramatic dialog, sizzling scenes, and characters created from endless hours of painful, joyful thought.

As you nourish your babies with diligent writing and with the encouragement and help from others, may God bless you in your expectations.



A woman automatically expects her husband to be supportive of her. A child who studies hard expects to receive good grades. A grandparent expects at least a thank you for the present given to a grandchild.

But things don’t always turn out the way we expect. Disappointment can come quickly when our expectations are not met. Sometimes anger can spread its ugly tentacles, too. Expectations also can become unreasonable, causing depression and hopelessness. Such feelings, when unresolved, are likely to affect our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

We all have expectations, most of them reasonable. When we take good care of our vehicle, we expect it to get us where we’re going. When we marry, we expect our spouse to show us love and respect. When we go to work, we expect our boss to be organized, appreciative, and kind to his workers.

We even expect good things from ourselves. When we eat right and exercise, we expect good health. When we work hard, we expect good results. But our best efforts fail us sometimes, too. Does that mean we should lower our expectations? Or perhaps have fewer of them? As a parent, spouse, or friend, we may have to do that many times. We do know that every day we must make many choices. Based on our expectations, the results will be either good or bad.

We can, however, always expect great things from God. His Word is filled with great promises. He alone is truly dependable. His ways are best for us. “Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.” (Lamentations 3:22-23)

As long as we let Him do His work in us—rather than trying to make things better by our own work—our expectations will always be exceeded. “My soul, wait silently for God alone, for my expectation is from Him.” (Psalm 62:5)

We followers of Christ can place ourselves on the other side of expectations, asking ourselves what others can expect from us. The Bible says that love never fails. When we show God’s love, as He faithfully shows us, others will see His faithfulness and love in us, and their expectations will be exceeded and there will be no disappointments, anger, or despair—as with us, too, when we place our expectations in God.

Lord, we wait expectantly for Your love, Your presence, Your bountiful blessings. Help us to depend on You more than on those around us so they can expect more from us. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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