Wednesday, September 18, 2013


During our school days, my identical twin sister and I confounded teachers and fellow students alike with our similar looks. But in God’s great scheme of things, even we differ. What a great God we serve! His variety in creation boggles our minds. Enjoy that spice today.


God’s variety show  

On a breezy summer day I can count six kinds of birds out my window. I see at least that many varieties of trees, bushes, and flowers. When I close my eyes I hear a dozen sounds—the wind blowing softly through the leaves, a chipmunk calling out, the songs of many birds. I can watch a variety show every day just in my front yard!

The variety of nature is astounding. When we consider nature on this planet, we can't begin to number all the species of animal and plant life, to say nothing about the land itself and the rivers and seas and heavens.

Sometimes when I meditate on God's creation, I choose a particular flower or mammal. The humpback whale is an interesting mammal to consider. They’re part of the finback family and I’ve seen them often in Alaska.

What does the humpback whale eat, I wonder? Where does he find his food? How deep can he swim? What is his average lifespan? How does he breathe? Mate? Eat? Sleep? Where does he live? What is his range of territory and migration? How does he protect himself? What are his natural enemies? How big does he grow? What color is he?

Researching the Internet and in books, I always end up learning more than I expected. And I always gain a greater sense of awe and appreciation for God's handiwork.

George Washington Carver also believed God revealed Himself through His creation. A deeply religious Christian famous for his scientific research in the use of peanuts during the mid-1800s, he practiced what we call “creation evangelism,” pointing people toward God through sharing the wonders of His creation.

When King David was a shepherd boy in the hill country of Israel, he had lots of time to meditate on creation. He wrote his thoughts as God gave them, and many of the Psalms tell of his love of God and nature. In Psalm 8:3-4 he wrote, "When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers…what is man that you are mindful of him…?" David obviously was humbled by his meditative thoughts about God and creation. His praise and thankfulness are evident in many of the Psalms.

Perhaps we all should practice meditating on God's handiwork every day as David did.

Lord, we thank You for Your awesome creation. Fill our hearts with humility and thankfulness as we consider Your greatness through our observance of the natural life around us. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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