Monday, March 23, 2015


We all face death and the hope of eternal life. If your hope is built on someone or something other than Jesus Christ, please consider placing your trust in Him. He alone offers eternal life, and that includes His righteousness, peace, and joy.


No more goodbyes

Many of us know the agony of saying goodbye to a loved one who has died. We grieve in different ways and we hope to be reunited with them someday. The important question is, in what or whom do we place our hope? Some people, especially those who do not know the eternal truths in the Bible, cope by crossing their fingers, hoping they'll see their loved one in the next life. Still others turn to belief in reincarnation. But what hope can that bring, knowing that the person will only die again?  Still others utterly give up hope for both the deceased and for themselves.

The finality of death causes many people to drift into hopelessness. Imagine Jesus' disciples at the time of His death. They had spent day and night with Him for three years. He was their teacher, their brother, their dearest friend. From Him they'd received all the provisions they needed for body, soul, and spirit. And here He was, the worker of miracles, hanging on a cross. No longer vibrant and powerful, He hung in shame, His body gory and offensive to those who looked upon Him. How did His followers cope with His brutal death?  Probably in much the same way any of us do when we lose a loved one—with denial, grief, anger, and hopelessness.

But their grief was short-lived! Jesus' death was not final. Because He rose from the dead, they did not remain hopeless and neither should we. We do not need to drift in a vacuum of mere daily survival. Jesus has promised eternal life to those who will accept Him into their hearts and lives. That is our hope as His followers—the hope of eternity. It is found in none other than Jesus Christ. That is the reason we can be filled with His peace in the face of death.

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." (John 14:27)

Lord, thank You that when we hold You in our hearts, we can celebrate Resurrection Sunday with peace and hope and joy. How wonderful it is to know that when the day comes for our own physical death, we need not fear. And we never have to say goodbye to those in Christ, those we love. In the name of Jesus, our risen Savior, amen.

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