Monday, November 9, 2015


Success differs in meaning for people. In fact, it may vary from day to day and experience to experience. When I finished sewing my first quilt, I felt great success. Satisfaction in a work well done spells success. But our earthly successes are nothing compared to our spiritual ones. Knowing we’re walking in God’s will, for instance, rates high in the success category. Leading a non-believer to Christ is another. So is sharing a prayer for healing at someone’s bedside. May God bless you with success today.

ETERNAL PERSPECTIVES             by Sally Bair

Great success

Like many pioneers, my grandparents worked hard to make their North Dakota ranch a success. Grandpa broke centuries-old sod day after hot day before he could plant, cultivate and harvest his new crops. Grandma carried water year-round for drinking, laundering by hand, bathing and cooking. They raised four girls in a tiny log house, taught them the basics for their future housekeeping and, by example, showed them how to be God-fearing citizens.

Back then, their successes came slowly. But they did come. Some years they enjoyed good harvests. They survived diseases that took the lives of many others. They expanded their land holdings. Eventually they were able to build a two-story, frame house.

Success and prosperity mean different things for different people. Some find it in the accumulation of money. Others seek it in popularity, position or education. Regardless what we strive for, we all set goals and then work hard to achieve success. As a pioneer planned to plant twenty more acres of oats the next year, we may plan to save twenty dollars a month for a child’s music lessons.

Success always comes at a price. Sod-busting back aches, poverty-causing stress and initial failures either tempt us to give up or to work even harder. God would have us look to Him for the strength and courage to succeed. When Joshua took over the herculean task of leading the Israelites into the Promised Land after Moses died, imagine the fear and sense of helplessness he must have felt. But God made him a promise.

“This Book of the Law [the first five books of the Old Testament] shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:8-9) 

These verses might compare to the Gospel. Obey and be blessed. Persevere and prosper. The biblical meaning of prosper means much more than mere financial success. It means spiritual well-being. Many who are poor in earthly possessions find their rich success in God’s joy and peace.

Lord, thank You for Your promise of prosperity and success of spirit. Guide us as we follow Your will to meditate in Your Word daily and to observe what it teaches. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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