Sunday, May 22, 2016


God’s character shows itself in many parts of His creation, including the red fox. As we seek God’s will, we can learn several lessons from that mammal’s makeup.

ETERNAL PERSPECTIVES             by Sally Bair

The red fox

A family of red foxes has taken residence by our local cemetery. Several of us have enjoyed the antics of the four kits as they’ve played in and out of culverts and among tombstones. Unafraid, they’ve allowed us to come close and take their pictures. The mama, however, has kept her distance in typical, cautious fashion.

The red fox’s makeup and personality present some interesting spiritual lessons for us.

First, they’re built for speed, able to outrun a pack of dogs for hours—even days. As believers in Jesus Christ, we too must be ready and able to outrun our enemies. Paul speaks of the dangers of temptations and snares that can cause spiritual destruction. “But you, O man of God, flee these things and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, gentleness. Fight the good fight of faith ….” (1 Timothy 6:11) We need not fear the enemy when we heed God’s Word, counting on His strength and power to run from harm.

 God also gives us the ability to discern danger, just as the fox uses its sensitive nose and ears to detect an enemy. “Incline your ear and hear the words of the wise, and apply your heart to my knowledge … so that your trust may be in the Lord.” (Proverbs 22:17, 19)

The fox learns where every stream, hollow log, culvert, or river bank is in its home terrain. We too can learn how to avoid danger, take courage and find the spiritual food we need for each day. As a fox becomes familiar with every part of its territory, we can learn by daily reading and study of God’s Word how to live spiritually safe, bold and sustained lives. The fox stores large quantities of food in many caches. We too benefit by storing God’s Word in our hearts so we can feed from them as our needs arise.

Loyalty is important to a fox, especially in the harshness of winter. Often when a fox is being pursued by an enemy, it can count on the help of another fox to take its place in the chase, allowing for a time of rest. With help, a fox can wear down its enemy.

Christians, too, can count on other believers to offer a helping hand when undergoing such battles as rejection or persecution. The Bible offers numerous reminders to support one another in our walk of faith.

Lord, thank You for Your lessons through nature. Cause us to use Your Word and wisdom as we encounter the many spiritual enemies that come our way. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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