Monday, March 20, 2017


Our vows to follow Jesus are even more important than those we repeat in marriage. After all, He is our Bridegroom, the One we need—and should want—to be near at all times. May the honeymoon never be over for you as you follow Him with joy and in obedience.


We northerners enjoy seeing bald eagles soaring overhead or feeding on carrion along our roadways. Bald eagles mate for life. In fact they, along with wolves, put our human race to shame when it comes to remaining monogamous.

Vowing to remain devoted to a spouse has become unimportant for much of western society. For many couples, their “I do’s” includes a list of “I don’t’s” that has ended marriages long before death do they part. More and more, among both non-Christians and followers of Christ, the honeymoon period of marriage seems to grow shorter and shorter.

The solemn promise of a marriage vow can compare to that between a person and God. When we say “I do” to God, pledging to trust, follow and obey Him, it should not be taken lightly. We believers may see our new life with the Lord as a marriage, wherein we want to spend all our time with Him. We take joy in learning more about Him through His Word and spend time talking to Him in prayer often. Even daily. We trust He will take joy in us, protect us, give us strength and provide for our needs. In fact, He will be jealous of us, just as a wild animal shows jealousy by  guarding its mate.

Jealousy and envy are two separate emotions. Envy means to covet someone else’s belongings. Jealousy comes in holding tightly to what belongs to us, such as our faith and devotion to God. God Himself commanded: “You shall have no other gods before Me. You shall not make for yourself a carved image … you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God …” (Deuteronomy 5:7-8)

When a couple falls away from their closeness by allowing outside influences to take the place of their spouse, they may lose their unity forever. The best marriages are by couples who keep their vows to love, honor and obey their spouses. They vow to spend time alone together each day, whether sharing a walk in the woods, enjoying a meal out or sitting on the quiet porch where they can discuss their daily joys and sorrows and make plans for the future. When young children are involved, a couple can steal alone time somewhere, even behind closed doors..

 Lord, thank You for the example of monogamous bald eagles and wolves that show us their continual devotion. Compel us to remain true to our spouses. And cause us to love, honor and obey You above all others. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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