helping my neighbor garden this summer, I notice that some plants do better
than others. In spite of having the same amount of soil, water, and sunshine,
one raspberry bush will produce large, juicy berries while the one next to it offers
nothing but small berries that are almost too dry to pick.
we consider siblings, whether animal or human, we see major differences. Though
each has similar genetic properties and generally share the same environment
and upbringing, some children differ greatly in personality and desire to
thrive. Why are some of us content to merely survive each day as it comes,
rather than succeed and grow to productive maturity?
we see ourselves as weak, not strong. Worthless, not smart. Poor, not rich.
Wrong attitudes about ourselves can come from wrong teachings. Yet, many people
have thrived vigorously in spite of that.
David had little going for him. Being the youngest of many sons, he got stuck
with the dirtiest and loneliest job—watching over sheep. He didn’t have much of
a financial future, either, since the eldest son became heir to the family’s
David had a strong, personal relationship with the all-powerful Creator-God. He
spent hours conversing with God, writing to and about Him, and depending on His
faithfulness to keep him safe and healthy. By God’s help, David thrived
physically, mentally, and spiritually. He knew he could count on God when
time of need came when he was told to deliver food to his brothers who were
helping to fight the Philistine army. David ended up at the front of the battle
line facing the giant, Goliath. Puny by the giant’s standards, unable even to
walk while dressed in heavy armor, David nonetheless bragged about his God’s
power. You no doubt know the rest of the story. David, armed with a mere sling
and five stones, killed Goliath, which routed the enemy.
words he spoke to the giant proved that he had thrived. “You come to me with a
sword, with a spear, and with a javelin. But I come to you in the name of the
Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. This day
the Lord will deliver you into my hand ….” (1 Samuel 17:45-46)
how we can thrive when we place our dependence on God!
Lord, You made
us to thrive and we realize without You we are as weak as small, dry
raspberries. Grace us with the desire and power to produce the best of fruit
for You. In Jesus’ name, amen.
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